A dedication, promise, or guarantee pertaining to the intermediate of token-related offerings, or regarding their performance or value, should not be inferred from the knowledge in this White Paper or from any other person or organisation mentioned in it. The information is subject to change or update. According to this conceptual paper, the 2xlucky betting platform ("TDL"), which includes the entire project, the token, the webpage, any apps, and any smart contracts, is neither licenced nor regulated and is neither a financial or investment service nor a compensation or electronic cash service in any nation or jurisdiction.

Any vocabulary used in this Whitepaper, on the website, or within the app is simply meant to serve as a descriptive guide and is not an indication of regulated financial services or investing activity. The smart contracts used by the 2x lucky betting system are permanent, unchangeable, and open-source. The TDL token is categorically a utility tokens in all jurisdictions and cannot be regarded as a "security" or any other type of token that is subject to regulation. In no manner, shape, or form is TDL an asset-backed stable coin, global or regional e-money, or fiat currency.

This Whitepaper alone does not constitute a contract or other type of contractual agreement, nor does it constitute an invitation, inducement, or offer to invest in the 2xlucky betting platform or to purchase or otherwise utilise TDL tokens with the expectation of financial gain. Any user of the 2x lucky betting system represents and certifies that they have obtained the necessary technical, organizational, regulatory, and legal counsel both before and after accessing, viewing, or using any part or component of the 2x lucky betting platform, the service, or this Whitepaper (including the TDL token)

The user disavows any claim of any kind against any concerned citizen directly or indirectly implicated with the 2x lucky betting platform for any harm incurred, including total loss. The user herewith acknowledges and recognises that there is an inherent high risk associated with accessing, acquiring, or using any type of blockchain and/or crypto system, token, framework, software, or interface, which include TDL. The 2xlucky betting platform utilises Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, Tron, and Binance Smart Chain.

Numerous jurisdictions do not have regulations on cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency values may increase as well as decrease. Capital gains tax may be applied on any profits.

Last updated